Garden fever , spring fever, green grass ,blooms on trees and flowers and yes don't forget the sunshine and warm days !!! Time to check out the garden space in your yard !

This is how I started my gourds for my garden again this year with regular garden soil and long planter pots & regular pots for me starting them out this way seems to work out really well for me.

Oh yes can't forget that my dog Kaiden he loves to come out and see what he can help me with which in most cases isn't what I needed it's what he wanted which is to play !!!
Martin House Gourds |
So after about 4-5 weeks they just started popping up like crazy (LOVE it when a plan comes together !! ) Of course it ALL depends on the weather, the rain and the sunshine.
Along with the gourds this year we decided to start a big garden, this we have never done since we moved here to Tennessee. When we were in Michigan we had a fantastic garden ! Yep there's my Kaiden watching over the garden " Good Boy " !
This picture was taken about a week ago, we hadn't had much rain yet and we were beginning to wonder if this was the right place to put the garden ( last year we planted it on the other side of the fence ) this year we decided to try it on the out side of the fence theres more growing room . Besides gourds we planted alot of vegetables to see how well it would do. With not much rain yet and just the water from the garden hose we noticed that something was eating on the leaves. So on taking a closer look we noticed these little yellow & black stripped flying bugs which upon further searching on the Internet we found out they were called cucumber beetles. They eat the leaves and can bore down into the roots of the plants ( they of course Love the cucumber plants and gourd plants ) This is what the cucumber beetle looks like. So we went to the store and bought some garden friendly insecticide called Sevens and sprayed the garden and so far it has worked great and the bug seemed to have gone hopefully for good !! |

This picture was taken a week later after a great rain and everything just seem to grow like magic ! Still no bugs and the garden is looking Fantastic !!

Here's my husband out after the rain inspecting the gourds ! He said they are looking really good and counted about 10 more plants popping up in the soil. We have planted martin, bottle, apple, egg & mini bottle gourds. Along with Strawberries, lettuce, romaine lettuce, peas, beans, onions, egg plant, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, peppers (green, red, yellow, orange & mini colored peppers ) zucchini, jalapenos, yellow squash, potatoes

These are just some of the gourd plants that are out in the garden.
Here are some of the gourds from our gourd garden last year. We have been bringing them in cleaning and cutting them . We ended up having some nice gourds.
Yes they can look pretty nasty, very moldy & stinky, but when they are all cleaned up they have a Beautiful natural wood color and are hard like wood that's why they make such a great canvas for painting on ! These are just a few that my husband has been cutting for me to make my birdhouses. Aren't they pretty !!!

Well time to get to work and start painting them. Besides my Etsy Shop we have a few craft shows to get ready for .
So until the next time, Please feel free to leave comments & ask questions.
and Please don't forget to stop by my Etsy Shop we have GREAT gifts for Fathers Day or just for any day ! Remember if you don't see what you like just ask I can paint just about anything !!