The feelers/runners that come off the plants and gives them the strong support system wrap themselves around anything it can grab onto and unless you cut them off they stay year after year long after you've pulled all the dead vines off....
Of course our dog Kaiden checking them out hummm.... |
Tis the end of the growing season and all of the vines are dying off and soon it will reveal just how many gourds we do have .We think there are 5 or 6 big ones ! That's OK with us for not even planting any seeds again this year. Actually 7 total I was sitting outside and looked over and there was the biggest one of them all hidden behind the bushes ! Not to see how thick they are when they dry if they are to thin they will just sink in and rot ! If they dry good then it will be time to put our thinking caps on and figure out what they will become !
Well now as you can see the vines are all dieing off and the bushes look terrible! But not to worry as soon as we pull off the dead vines the bushes will be back to normal !
I guess we will have to wait until next spring to see if maybe just Maybe another gourd vine shows up !!
Thanks for stopping by and reading our blog we hope you enjoyed your visit ! Next post seens from the Arts & Crafts Festival in Bell Buckle Tennessee
Until Next Time !