So I thought you might like to see what a little bit if the snow storm from our view in middle Tennessee ! These two pictures are of the small creek that sometimes floods when it rains, well it had flooded because the night before the snow storm it RAINED and I mean RAINED so yes it was flooded ! But after the snow it made for some very pretty pictures !
My husband (in the picture below) out doing his chores , he hasn't had to shovel this much snow since we lived in Michigan. Actually I think after he finished the back walkway and I went back in the house he stopped shoveling and our son Chace was out front shoveling the walkway..
Just a few pictures of the back yard with the snow covered trees and fences just thought it was pretty
a neat little picture shot of the chain link fence |
Oh look at my van it hasn't been covered in this much snow in a long time ! |
Yep and this grill has seen warmer days !! |
These next few pictures are driving down the back roads by our house heading to this little dam it's a Beautiful drive in the summer or yes even more Beautiful with a fresh falling snow !
This is the little bridge we have to cross going the back way , this is the bridge that when it rains it floods way over the rails and up the roads virtually impassible. The creek/river is connected to the dam that is a couple of miles down the road .
These pictures are from down by the dam and there really is a road that runs across it they raised the road but not enough so the water flows over it all the time . They have had water rescues because people think it's not flowing to bad and try to go across it many cars and trucks have been washed upstream , No lives lost !!
I hope you enjoyed our view of the Snow Storm 2016 from middle Tennessee !
Until the next time!
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