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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Frozen In Time The Gourd Garden

The Top Of The Gourd Arbor 
  We had an ice storm come through last week so I decided to go  out to the Gourd Garden & see what it looked like and actually I thought it was just Beautiful !!  So I took some pictures and a video and wanted to share them with you ! Video is below !

The Gourds Covered In Ice 

A Better Picture Of The Gourd Arbor Top

The gourds are Loving the cold it doesn't bother them at all in fact it helps to cure them. You don't ever want to take them inside or anyplace warm! When I first started growing gourds when we lived in Michigan. I thought I had to cut them off the vine and hang them by string in the house , I soon found out the warmth (until they are completely cured usually about 6 months or so ) will dry them out too fast and they all started to shrivel up or just plain shrivel to nothing reconcilable ! Yep that can happen !! 


We hope you enjoyed taking a look at our gourd garden after the ice & snow storm of 2021 decided to cover the garden in a 1/2 inch of ice ! I thought it actually was pretty and interesting the way the ice forms on any and all it comes in contact with ! I'm used to snow being from Michigan but We have lived here 14 years and this is the first time we have had this much ice & snow ! We hope you are all staying safe & warm ! Thank You Checking us out !  Comments Are Welcome ! If You Like Us Please Follow Us On here , Pinterest , Instagram , Twitter & Facebook


Sunday, February 7, 2021

That Was 2020 But This Is Now

           We  All couldn't wait for 2020 to leave !! In February of 2020 my husband was working in Georgia & I was at home I got a phone call  Feb 16,2020 saying I needed to get to Georgia that my husband needed emergency surgery, he had aneurysm & it burst  , my son got me a flight out .Thank God all went good !  So that's how  Our 2020 started out  & Yes We are All hoping & praying that 2021  A New Year  will be the answer for All the bad that has happened  in 2020 !! 

We are not the first generations to go through a Pandemic our parents ,grandparents , great grandparents all went through them . Nor is this the first pandemic for my generation there has  been two one in 1976 the Swine flu  & in 2009 the H1N1  that I recall,  but  actually nothing like this Covid  19 Pandemic & We Are ALL Praying It Ends In This New Year Of 2021 ! 

  Now I will say that 2020 for our Etsy Shop  www.etsy.com/shop/inmypaintedgarden  in January it started out GREAT but then I put it on " Not Open Do To Family Emergency "  in February when John had the aneurysm , for a month until he was healed enough. So the day we opened back up we had our first sale  and honestly for our small business we had a Fantastic year!! We had many return & new customers. We are So Very Blessed, Grateful & Thankful 

Our Original Beach Dreaming Gourd Birdhouse

Our Unique  Old English Cottage Gourd Birdhouse

Colbalt Blue Sunny Sunflowers

Blazing Red Sunny Sunflower
           So I am a girl who also likes to sew ( I have sewn for years , one Christmas I made hooded lined robes for my 5 granddaughters ) and of course I did what a lot of people did I started sewing Face Masks for my Family and friends.  I used a basic pattern I found online but had to do a lot of adjustments so it fit my husband the way he wanted. He wanted elastic that went around his head instead of around his ears . I also added to the chin area and nose , so that when you talk it won't slip off the nose & chin  as easy . The nose has a removable wire piece that forms to your nose & you remove before washing . 

         My husband & I were at the store standing on our 6 foot spot in the checkout line and there were two women in line in front of us, one of the women turned around and said to me " I really like your mask " & I of course said Thank You ! My husband said " My wife made ours " Then she said " Well I guess that's the new normal to look at peoples masks " Hopefully Not for long !! 

My husbands that I Made

I have made my husband 8 of them so he has one to change out every day and  an extra one and made my son one also. They have to where them at work.

This is The One I Made My Son 

This Is One Of My Masks & Yes I'm Smiling !!
Yes of course I made me some also this one is     " Betty Boop " ! Same as my husbands I adjusted mine to go around my chin farther & my nose that way when I talk it doesn't
 slip off our nose ! Yes they are lined with white cotton and also have a pocket for  a filter pocket . For my filters I use the Small coffee filters I fold and cut them to size.

Bouffant Scrub Caps
Then  my daughter-in-law is a nurse and asked me if I would make some Scrub Caps  for her . Again I looked up a basic pattern & altered it to fit, this one is a Bouffant Scrub Cap it fits short or long hair , it has a small piece of elastic at the bottom back so the cap can slip off and on with ease NO TYING !   

My Daughter in law she asked me to  make her  Holiday Scrub Caps 

A couple of her co workers had me make them some also , I just Love the way they turned out and I have a lot of material!  So a couple of days I will spend in my sewing room & sew and the other couple days I will be painting working on our gourd birdhouses & Gourd Birdfeeders  so we can keep our Etsy Shop stocked !

So I had a couple of phone calls & some emails asking me if I would make Scrub Caps & Face Masks !  So I decided that I would make some more of the Scrub Caps & Face Masks &When I'm done I will post them on all our Social Media sites , If anyone would like one just let me know 

Here are a couple  more Scrub Caps I made for an order 

      I Know I haven't been on here in awhile but I really Love connecting with people , customers, friends !! We Love what we do as our craft/art . I like to bring you into our gourd garden from seed to cured & into our studio ! The " In The Gourd Garden " Video Series is on Our Instagram  . We  did that this summer through our Instagram & Pinterest pages ! We went out once a week and did a video of how the gourds were growing . We still do have some still hanging in the garden so I will post on here our Blog, Instagram & on our Pinterest page  .If you have any comments or questions feel free to ask I might be able to help ! 
but if you would like to check out the  " In The Gourd Garden " Video series its on our IGTV on Instagram & Pinterest or our Facebook page .  Thank You  !! We Hope You Enjoyed Our Blog 
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                                       💙     https://www.instagram.com/in_my_painted_garden


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