la lakers basketball players |
Never a dull moment ! Not in my woekshop, I've been busy painting . I had 2 more orders to fill. one of them being from a return customer , thank you very much ,she odered a couple of special request items which I love to do. I have also been painting a special request from an organization in Los Angles Calif who is putting on an event & having a guest speaker from the L.A.Lakers & asked me if I would donate some of my gourd basketball players to put in the gift bags. They had gotten ahold of me through my Etsy Shop !
votives |

oil lamp |
I've also started painting on some glass itens. I painted some frosted glass votive cups with an assortment of colorful daisys. I painbted 4 small hanging oil lamps, the lamps are 4 different colors with a colorful boquet of daisies,
baby boy keepsake box |
I just seem to have my foot in the door with all kinds of new ventures we have been working on . I started doing baby keepsake boxes, I did one for our grandson & we now have 2 new granddaughters sooooo.... heres a picture of one I did for our grandson, I decided that if anybody sees them and would like to special order a certain theme I can do that so the workshop is open to any special orders or suggestions.
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